I am a passionate and curiosity-driven Copywriter and Slovak Language Specialist. I write fruitful content in Slovak and English with cherry-picked words that would make everyone go bananas.
Koľko stojí život v New Yorku? Za priemerný byt dáte tisíce dolárov, a to ste ešte nejedli
New York svojich obyvateľov nešetrí. Bolo mi to jasné hneď, ako som za croissant s kávou platila v každej kaviarni minimálne 12 dolárov. Táto suma by stačila na výdatné denné menu v Bratislave. Drahý život v New Yorku dokazuje aj rebríček portálu Numbeo, ktorý porovnával výšku celkových nákladov vo svetových metropolách. New York obsadil tretiu priečku. Viac peňazí na účte potrebujete už iba v Ženeve a Zürichu. Bratislava skončila na 99. mieste.
Marek Bolf
Unlocking the musician within
Marek learned knife-making and woodwork from his father
His first kalimba was crafted from a dried gourd
He used his first instrument earnings to purchase a toaster
Marek Bolf's kalimba journey began with just the clothes on his back and an empty wallet, as he ventured out from home. Living in humble conditions without heating, surviving on nothing more than bread, he clung to a fervent desire to bring music back to the people. That is why Marek, alongside his wi...
Anastasia Stročkova
Beyond the boundaries of visual storytelling
Anastasia considers illustration as an applied art
She illustrates to create new worlds
She transforms creative language into diverse media
Anastasia Stročkova's distinctive style defines new standards in conceptual illustration across many projects. Recognised for her talent, she was handpicked for the prestigious Bologna Children's Book Fair, showcasing her debut book The Elephant Who Was Afraid of Heights, which launched her into the world of ch...
Slovak National Gallery
A hub for the arts shaping tomorrow
The Slovak National Gallery (SNG) is a prestigious institution with more than 70 years of history and a modern, dynamic perspective on the world. As Slovakia's central hub for art, the SNG not only preserves a vast collection but also actively engages the public through ambitious curatorial projects, discussions, and creative initiatives. The gallery serves as a bridge between the art of the past and the creativity of the future.
SNG’s main location in Brat...
Desať vecí, ktoré ma naučil legendárny americký festival Burning Man
Pri vstupe do areálu sa okolo mňa zhŕknu dobrovoľníci so slovami: „Vitaj doma!“ Už teraz mi je jasné, že naozaj nemám poňatia, do čoho idem. Ani dôkladná štvormesačná príprava ma dostatočne neprichystala na dobrodružstvo v pominuteľnom meste Black Rock City.
Dovolenka v talianskom Cinque Terre? Výborné jedlo a nádherná krajina, ktorá vám dá zabrať
Zrejme ste už niekedy uzreli ikonické nahusto postavené farebné domčeky talianskeho pobrežia. Stali sa inšpiráciou aj pre prostredie Disney rozprávky Luca. Výlet po terasovitých dedinkách na útesoch talianskej riviéry však nie je žiadna prechádzka rozprávkovou krajinou, teda aspoň pokiaľ ide o náročnosť trasy. Tvoria ju kľukaté cestičky, nespočetné schody, šliapanie do kopca a turistické chodníčky, ktoré potrápia vaše svaly.
Seizing design concerns of the day
Satelit Design Gallery serves as a showcase for the Slovak Design Centre, exhibiting a wide array of design styles and concepts. With the goal of sparking public engagement with design, the gallery hosts exhibitions, presentations and lectures. Its focus lies primarily on showcasing conscious and sustainable design, often integrating new technologies. Exhibitions vary, from explorations of Slovak design history to foreign and research projects. Every year, t...
The Slovak Museum of Design
Slovak design through the ages
The Slovak Museum of Design (SMD) is an integral part of the Slovak Design Centre, a state contributory organisation of the Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic since 2013. With diverse collections and research areas, all rooted in Slovak and Czech historical contexts, the museum provides an extensive glimpse into various design forms. From graphic and information design through fashion and textiles to industrial and architectural design, the museum's coll...
Bhután – rozprávková krajina šťastia. Je ťažké sa do nej dostať, ale odísť sa vám nechce
V dnešnom globalizovanom svete sa mestá začínajú podobať ako vajce k vajcu. Kto hľadá niečo výnimočné a autentické, nech už teraz pozerá letenky do Bhutánu. Táto krajina šťastia bez uhlíkovej stopy jednoznačne zanechá stopu vo vás. Je to krajina ako žiadna iná!
Davy turistov a čoraz menej ryžových polí. Oplatí sa ešte vôbec cestovať na Bali?
Stojím v zápche už asi polhodinu. Predo mnou kolóna skútrov s botoxovými influencerkami, za mnou chlapi s horami čerstvo vyklepaných svalov z fitnescentra. Pot mi spod helmy tečie po čele cícerkom. Cítim, ako mi slnko opaľuje kožu podľa trička. Vypínam motor. Skúter už len kotúľam dopredu. Bolo mi toto treba?
Jiří Markalous
A cycling tour across Europe can unfold in multiple ways. For Jiří Markalous it sparked the desire to start creating. He has been drawn to the art of guitar making since a very young age. Without hesitation, he ordered the necessary tools and embarked on a new journey: the transformation of raw wood into musical instruments. Creating art, for Jiří, serves as a means to communicate his message through the resulting product, aiming to bring joy to both clients and himself. In today's rapidly evolving world, saturated with information at our fingertips and a thriving market of guitar makers, Jiří
Ubytovanie zadarmo? Vyskúšajte home swapping, cestovateľský trend roka 2024
Ubytovanie v zahraničí potrápi každý bankový účet. Dokonalým riešením je home swapping, ktorý umožňuje všetkým cestovateľom vymaniť sa z radu turistov a okúsiť miestny život v zahraničí takmer zadarmo. Pozrite si, prečo sa rozhodne vyplatí, ako a kde s ním začať a či je vôbec bezpečný.
Láka vás život za hranicami Slovenska? Táto skúsenosť je obohacujúca, ale nie je pre každého
Život mimo rodnej zeme nie je pre každého. Prináša so sebou mnoho benefitov, ale aj úskalí. Je to však skúsenosť na celý život. Ak chcete vedieť, či vám to stojí za skúšku, zvážte nasledujúce body.
Crystal Caviar
Embarking on a journey of luxury
Marek Landa turned his dream of creating lavish Bohemian glass chandeliers for luxurious yachts into a reality. In 2010 he founded Crystal Caviar with his wife Michaela, and the company has flourished into a leading provider of crystal chandeliers and sculptures tailored for super yachts. Their portfolio boasts over 70 remarkable projects. Notably, Crystal Caviar's glass sculptures grace 16 of the globe's 25 largest private yachts as well as the interior of Qa...
Na dovolenku či natrvalo? 8 dôvodov, vďaka ktorým je Lisabon skvelé miesto na život
Why is Lisbon a place to live?